Emile Durkhiem (1858-1917) Durkhiem is the co founder of Sociology and he had two ideas
Emile Durkhiem (1858-1917)
Durkhiem is the co founder of Sociology and he had two ideas

            First Idea
1.       Pre-modern society
In pre-modern society social relations are regulated by the shared system of beliefs, sentiments and Emilie Durkhiem called it common conscience.
Pre-modern societies are economically based in the extraction of natural resources: agriculture, mining, forestry, fishing, ranching and related activities. The pre-modern society is also typically dependent on strong and enduring extended family systems.
2.      Modern Society
When society is industrialized it is considered to be modern society or it can be defined as people living together in current time.
It is based on expansion of education, technology, industry and urban life. It has a complex culture changing with the time. Its base is materializing.
Due to diverse social conditions heterogeneous life is found. Social problems of various nature develop among various groups.
Modern society is often called materialistic. Where people no longer produce product for living. Instead they produce goods to sell in the market. People don’t rely their own. For example they go to market for groceries instead of owning gardens and animals. These societies stress on quality of education for all.

            Second Idea
1.       Collectivism
Pre-Modern societies are collectivism and collectivism goes for traditional societies or pre modern society.
2.      Individualism
Modern societies are individualism and individualism goes for modern societies and it is not ego vism.
-         Modern Societies are based on reason, facts and it's not based on belief, Physic and maths.
-         Organic solidarity: is the way people comes together to help each other for necessity.
And it comes in individualistic society.
-         Sociologists are the doctor of society.
-         Semi modern societies are half modern and half pre modern.
The first case that Emile Durkhiem studied was Suicide.
Before Durkhiem when someone commit to suicide others were said he/she is crazy.
After Durkhiem research and collect data he came to know that cause of suicide maybe: job, religion, family, work history, income wealth and gender…

Two major function of society
1.       Integration is the degree to which collective sentiments (knowledge, beliefs, values) are shared by members is society. (to be more attached to the society)
2.      Regulation is the degree of external constraint on people, i.e. the common norms people live under. (more free society, have less regulation).
Four types of suicide according to Durkhiem
1.       Altruistic suicide (too much integration, to be too much attached to traditional culture)
2.      Egoistic suicide (less integration, to be not much linked in a group)
3.      Anomic suicide (too much regulation, disconnection from other members of society)
4.      Fatalistic suicide (less regulation)

Mohsin Osmani

Mohsin Osmani

I'm not telling you it's easy, i'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

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