
With marketing messages reaching saturation point in many people’s lives, getting your company’s message listened to is an ever-increasing challenge. Customers have learned to tune out most of this daily barrage of information, and “pushing” your marketing becomes less and less effective.
Permission marketing gets you past this barrier by creating a willing and receptive audience for your regular communications. Now you can build a relationship with your customers and stay at the forefront of their consciousness without being “pushy”.
Even better, Permission Marketing is actually quite easy when you follow the simple process in this book.


No matter how many visitors you get to your premises or website, not one of them can be called a customer until he or she actually buys something from you. Even then, a customer might not bring a profit for your business until they have bought several of your products or services. Persuading people to buy something the first time they have contact with your business isn’t always easy, and it can take many such “contacts” before some people are persuaded to buy.
The best way to make these repeated contacts is to get your potential customers’ permission, which means Permission Marketing is probably the best way to convert more visitors to customers and more customers to repeat customers. In time, these customers could even become fans and advocates of your business and its products.
Note that Permission marketing doesn’t mean “spamming” people with unwanted sales messages. The whole point is that you have their permission to stay in touch. How you get that permission and how you make the maximum use of Permission Marketing for the benefit of your business and its customers, is the subject of this book.
You’ll find all this is explained in some detail but in a way that will\ make it easy to implement, whatever kind of business you have, online or in the real world. I have assumed that Permission Marketing – or at least implementing it in your business – is new to you, so forgive me if any of the explanations seem obvious to you. A lot of the contents are based on questions I or we (Cinnamon Edge) have been asked in the past.
With very best wishes for a successful Permission Marketing campaign
Roy Everitt


  1. Introduction
    1. What is Permission Marketing?
    2. The Benefits of Permission Marketing
    3. What this book will cover
  2. Getting Permission
    1. Offline List Building
    2. Online List Building
    3. Facebook and Social Media
    4. Incentives
    5. Permissions
  3. Automating the Process
    1. Why Automate?
    2. Using Autoresponders (Email Marketing Systems)
    3. List Management
    4. AWeber Example
    5. Tracking
  4. What to Say in Your Messages
    1. Sending More Information
    2. Courses and Training
    3. Newsletters
    4. Teasers
    5. Offers and Deals
  5. Getting Your Emails Opened
    1. Subject Line
    2. From Address
    3. The Opening Few Lines
    4. Design
    5. Content
    6. Previous Content
    7. Topicality
    8. Exclusiveness
    9. Time and Day of Sending
    10. Timeliness
    11. Frequency
  6. Mobile Marketing
    1. Why Mobile Matters
    2. Mobile Functions
  7. Monetising Your List
    1. How Often to Promote Your Services
    2. Sponsorship and Advertising
  8. Monetising Your List 2
    1. Joint Ventures
    2. Strategic Partnerships
    3. Affiliate Links
    4. List Brokerage
  9. Conclusion and Summary

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Mohsin Osmani

Mohsin Osmani

I'm not telling you it's easy, i'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

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