What is Statistics and Types of Data, Definition of Statistics, Meaning and definition of Statistics, Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Types of Data, Quantitative data, Qualitative data, Variable, Discrete and Continues variable,
⇛ Statistics Part 1.

Meaning and definition of Statistics

  • The word 'statistics' has been used in both the plural and the singular sense.
  • Statistics, in plural sense, means a set of numerical figures or data.
  • In the singular sense, it represents a method of study and therefore, refers to statistical principles and methods developed for analysis and interpretation of data.
               Read: What is finance and the difference between finance and accounting.

Definition of Statistics

  • Statistics is a branch of Mathematics that deals with the scientific collection, organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of numerical data in order to obtain useful and meaningful information.
  • Collection of data refers to the process of obtaining information.
  • Organization of data refers to the ascertaining manner of presenting the data into tables, graphs, or charts so that logical and statistical conclusions can be drawn from the collected measurements.
  • Analysis of data refers to the process of extracting from the given data relevant information from which numerical description can be formulated.
  • Interpretation of data refers to the task of drawing conclusions from the analyzed

Branches of Statistics

  1. Descriptive Statistics The branch of statistics that focuses on collecting, summarizing, and presenting a set of data.


  1. The average age of citizens who voted for the winning candidate in the last presidential election.
  2. The average length of all books about statistics.

  1. Inferential Statistics The branch of Statistics that analyzes sample data to draw conclusions about a population.


  1. For instance, suppose a survey group wants to know the usual opinions among Filipino people on a certain issue. Asking every Filipino to answer a questionnaire would be impossible.
  2. It is expensive, time consuming, and impractical.
Types of Data

 Data is any quantitative or qualitative information.

  1. Quantitative data refers to numerical information obtained from counting or measuring that which be manipulated by any fundamental operation. Examples: age, I.Q. scores, height, weight, income
  2. Qualitative data refers to descriptive attributes that cannot be subjected to mathematical operations. Examples: gender, citizenship, educational attainment, religion 


A quantity that, varies from an individual to individual.

Discrete and Continues variable

  1. Discrete variable is a variable that can be obtained by counting. Examples: the number of cellphone users in a company, the number of computers in the laboratory.
  2. Continues variable is a variable that can be obtained by measuring objects or attributes. Examples: the weight of students, the temperature in a city over a period of time, the area of classrooms

Statistics Part 2.

Mohsin Osmani

Mohsin Osmani

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