Economic growth is measured by the percentage change in Real GDP. Real GDP adjusts the Nominal GDP figure for the impact of price changes (inflation or deflation).
Farmoula 3
Real GDP = Money GDP X 100/(GDP deflator or CPI)
Example: If the Money GDP is $1155 billion and the GDP deflator is 110, what is the Real GDP?
1155*100/110 = 1050
Real GDP is $1050 billion.
If Real GDP was $1000 billion the previous year, what is the rate of
economic growth?
While the rate of economic growth goes up and down in cycles, a trend rate of economic growth can be calculated for an extended period of time.
While Real GDP is the preferred measure of economic growth, it does have its limitations.
- Certain forms of productive activity, such as housework and home repairs, are excluded.
- Some forms of productive activity, including farm produce consumed on the farm, are not marketed (sold) and so cannot be measured accurately. The ABS estimates their value.
- While the quantity of goods and services is measured, the quality is not.
- The distribution of the GDP is not shown.
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